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Internal Grant Application for

TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804 Programs


Download application packet:


Purpose  Internal Program Grants are available to District 804 departments that wish to pilot a program with the intention of collecting data and evaluating whether such a program might be added to the formal curriculum.  These grants are meant to be one-time events awarded on an ongoing basis for innovative projects in areas such as technology, vocational initiatives, and service learning, just to name a few. 


Eligibility To be eligible to apply, an applicant must be an employee of the TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804 and apply on behalf of one of the programs.​


Application The Internal Grant Application is available for download here Internal Program Grant Application. The applicant must submit a completed application that includes a paragraph on the nature of the request, the student population that will benefit, and the desired outcome. Also, the applicant should briefly discuss why this grant should be funded by the Foundation as opposed to falling within normal district programming budgets and note whether other sources of financing have been explored (e.g. school district education foundations). Grants will be based on cost estimates provided by vendors; please include quotes in your request. The application and all supporting documentation should be emailed to


Determination of Award The Foundation will review the completed application and inform the applicant in writing. 


Payment of Scholarship Award Payment will be in form of a check issued to the TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804 upon presentation of receipts.


Please email with questions.


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